"Pssttt… do some pelvic floor exercises" the 20-something nurse at the doctor’s office whispered at me, just a second after I left the doctor's room in total shock. As if going to the family doctor with your runaway pee wasn't embarrassing enough, now I need to get health tips from this youngster in the hallway? What does she even know about runaway pee?
When was the last time she had her pee running down her? in public?
I spared the doctor all my stories about binge eating at 2 am, the hot-cold attacks, and the constant sweating after he assured me, "Hey Ma'am, it's not a mistake, it's the menopause." I really believe that menopause only happens to other women. not me Of course, this idea has no logical basis, but it didn't stop me from feeling this way.
The term "menopause" should be replaced with "the age of missing out": I have devoted my entire existence to the house, partner, children, aging parents, friends, and colleagues. I gave up my wildest fantasies, the big world, the promotion at work, the FUN… I gave it all to everyone… What about me? Who will return all the years I have missed? nobody. Instead, what did I get in exchange? insomnia and vaginal dryness.
Even though famous women like Oprah Winfrey, Drew Barrymore, and Michelle Obama have recently been brave enough to talk about their menopause symptoms, I found that many women still keep quiet about their symptoms or just keep the information to themselves or don't talk to others about their problems. Just like Megan (my too fit friend) told me, "I don't have any symptoms," and laughed as she smiled back into the Facebook app on her phone. Deep in my heart I was so jealous of her and not just because she looks like this Greek goddess (but also).
Forbes predicts 1.1 billion menopausal women by 2025 and 6 million entering menopause each year.
Unfortunately, the number of menopausal women is skyrocketing worldwide.
An anonymous poll done this year found that 85% of women show many menopause symptoms and ignore them. Even though most women notice the most common warning signs, they don't tell their regular doctor or get help. That means, women who are going through menopause quietly accept their fate of pain and have given up on finding a cure.
However, women today live longer than ever before. On average, a woman who is 60 can expect to live at least 21 more years. So, why do women suffer for so long?
Now, I could go on and on about hormones and treatments, but this post is not for that. What I want to tell you is how I finally freed myself from the physical and emotional chains of menopause symptoms (and what I learned in this journey will surprise you, too, as no one, not even your doctor, knows this).
Sarah and Nathan, the kids, had just left the house, so Adrian and I were left alone. Every evening, we just stared at the TV like two strangers, didn't talk, didn't touch each other. When I told him what I was going through, he said, "All women go through that, you'll get used to it," as if my pain didn't even matter to him. He didn't seem to be bothered by this at all. It was like a slap in the face. I suddenly asked myself, "Who is this tired, old, bitter woman sitting on that couch?" I was so exhausted. I thought it was just a passing phase and that I would get used to this new chapter, but that didn't happen.
I lost out on who I was as a woman and a person, I canceled the wildest rawest parts of me in order to become the "good (and pleasing) wife": a mother, a wife, a daughter. The one who missed out on the big trip she always longed for, the one who never fully reached her full potential (or some of it). The months passed slowly, the mental void gradually opened along with the hot-cold nightly attacks and the nesting depression. Until one day I asked myself:
Honestly, the BIG trip was my heart's desire for a very long time because of what it symbolized for me: bravery, pushing past comfort zones, mystery, and adventure. Everyone thought I'd hit my head when I walked into the office one morning to announce my resignation as a teacher after nearly 15 years at the school. I've decided to make the most of this "new age" and the opportunities that it presents in order to help myself retrieve my breath, which I lost some time in the past decade (and maybe, overcome my depression in the process).
Japan has always been my ultimate destination; what better way to mark the end of the darkest era of my life than to reach the land of the rising sun (aka: Japan)?
On the flight, I met a beautiful Japanese woman about my age named Hitomi, which unsurprisingly means: "beautiful" in Japanese. After two weeks in the big city of Tokyo, I flew to the southern tip of Japan to meet her in a small village called Ogimi. Or, as I learned later on my travels, also called "The Village of Longevity".
I was almost done forgetting about the hot flushes I brought from home when a very severe heat wave struck me while I was on the ship. I'm not as depressed as I was when I left home, but the heat waves and the insomnia issues still bother me a lot. The signs of menopause indicate to me that I'm not the teenager I thought I'd be when I first explored Japan in my fantasies.
When I came off the ship, my shirt was wet from the sweat and my face was gloomy, but the lovely Hitomi was there to greet me.
"Let the island's enchanted dust settle over you, my sweet; you have finally reached the island of life". Hitomi gazed at me with her exotic hypnotizing eyes, and for a while I forgot all my problems and my past as I listened to her promise that the island would take care of everything from now on.
What happened next is something I never would have thought of in my wildest dreams or in the best-selling books you will read, but it did.
One evening, Hitomi and I were walking along the river that runs through the whole village and talking about life and its many mysteries when one of the village elders appeared before us. A woman who looked to be about 70 years old sat on a low, worn-out wooden stool at the door to what looked like a small house or guesthouse. Her skin was smooth and there was a sense of peace glowing around her. Hitomi told me that this place is called "Ryokan," which means a small, traditional road inn where visitors can stay the night and get a hot meal. The woman gave us a smile and waved for us to come closer. I was so glad Hitomi was with me and that she could speak Japanese.
After a short talk, it turned out that this woman is actually 102 years old, not 70. Hitomi told me, "This village has more 100-year-olds than anywhere else in the world, and most of them are women! She says we can join her for dinner if we want to. Would you like to?"
I jumped up and down with joy and said yes without even thinking about it.
The old lady called us to her yard so we could pick vegetables for dinner. She got on her bike and rode with us to the garden next to her house. She didn't even have to try. Hitomi and I were out of breath and panting when we got there, but the lady pulled out an ax (I didn't know they were still manufactured) and started cutting green leaves with a drive that would put any young, fit boy to shame. We were shocked and couldn't believe what we saw when we gazed at her. When we got back to her house, the active old woman made us sit and rest in the guest room until dinner was ready. She must have seen that we were already tired. Hitomi and I sat down and drank dandelion tea while we looked around with a great deal of curiosity.
Our interest in the carved box sparked in a heartbeat, and we immediately questioned the old lady. The old lady laughed and said that this was an antique device designed to help women in the village who had reached their 50s and 60s (what we call "menopause" in the Western world). The invention was the result of the synergy between the ancestor's aromatherapy knowledge and the wisdom of women over the ages.
As soon as the old woman opened the box, the entire home was filled with a hypnotic scent. Inside the carefully carved box were a variety of hand-sculpted clay tablets, each infused with a unique blend of delicate essential oils that had been specially brewed and were known to alleviate the symptoms of female hormonal changes that are common in village women upon reaching menopause.
The elderly lady picked out a number of tablets, wrapped them in a cloth bag, and handed them to Hitomi and me as a gift. The bag's fabric released this powerful aroma that immediately blended into my hands, reminding me of lavender fields in full bloom.
Later that night, the sweet old lady served me a beautiful meal and invited me to spend the night in one of her ryokan units. She placed one of the lavender tablets on top of the tiny dresser by my bed, lit it, and then returned it to the same wooden box. The smoke from the burning tablet passed through this device without any problem, creating this unexpected little waterfall.
That night, as I lay in bed in my ryokan room, I sensed the gentle breeze bringing the smell of lavender from the wooden box around the room. It mixed with the smells of the fresh air coming in through the blinds. When you put together the smell of the wet earth after it rained and the lavender oil, it was extremely enticing
. This mysterious moment hypnotized me so much and put me to sleep so deeply that, for the first time in years, I didn't have any hot flashes or sweat, I slept like a baby.
When I woke up in the morning, I felt so good I forgot where I was.
It was the best sleep I can remember having since I was in my 30s or maybe even 20s. I couldn't believe I slept all night without getting up, in a room without air conditioning and without even a single heat wave! Hitomi might be right.
Maybe this village has a magic powder that they put on people like me who aren't from here.
I felt lighter and more alive than ever, and all of a sudden I got what all those "spiritual people" brag about when they talk about how great meditation is. Maybe this is how you feel when you've meditated for a long time?
When I woke up, the "elderly" and Hitomi were drinking tea and talking in the kitchen
It's funny how we've forgotten that our grandmothers always knew how to fix everything, huh? They didn't take estrogen hormones like you and I do. I know you slept well", Hitomi giggled.
It turns out that even Japanese women my age, like Hitomi, didn't know what this old lady was hiding in her guest house.
As I sat across from the old lady at the table, she smiled and put her hand on my hand and cupped it.
"She says you should take it," Now, more than anyone else, you need it. It will help you get where you're going next, on your journey" Hitomi passed on what she said as soon as the sentence was over.
"My journey?"
"Yes, your journey, the journey for which you came to this village", Hitomi told me, in the words of the old woman,
After a week of using tablets at the old lady's guest house, the hot flashes, fatigue, and depression were all gone. I forgot all about menopause and felt like I was back to who I was in my 30s, before I had kids and a mortgage. When I was young and didn't have a pile of laundry to fold, somewhere at the beginning of my life.
I knew I had to take these tablets back home with me, along with the wooden box. But the old woman warned me that this is an ancient way that only the women of the town of Ogimi are allowed to use. But it was too late, I was hooked: now that I know about this method, I swore in my heart that no matter what, I would do everything I could to tell more women like me about this revolutionary news.
When I left the village and went back to the big city of Tokyo, it was noisier, louder, and grayer than when I left. The heat waves and tiredness also came back stronger and more often. I felt like the healing power of the village was leaving me, and all of a sudden, I had no idea why I had gone on this trip.
I felt like the journey to the village was so long ago that I thought it might not have happened at all.
Hitomi kept listening to the voice messages I sent her through WhatsApp, and it broke her heart. We had already become "menopause sisters" and she knew my pain intimately.
"My mother's old friend Kai Akira might be able to help you," Hitomi offered as a last option, just a few days before my trip back home.
Kai was a very famous Japanese doctor who used herbs and other alternative ways to help people. I took a train for four hours, far from Tokyo, to find him. When I first saw him, I was certain he was the man I was looking for: he was a wise healer with a strong sense of purpose and love for every living being.
He knew that the mind and soul had to be taken care of for the body to heal. His house was next to a thick forest and surrounded by a koi pond.
After a little while, Kai returned with what he called "treasures".
He had a handful of little cones in one hand that looked and smelled very much like the tablet I had given him, except for the fact that the cones had an even stronger odor. Along with the cones, he was also holding a really exquisite piece of pottery.
Then, Kai lighted a cone and inserted it inside this blue porcelain device.
As soon as the cone was lit, the smoke flowed into the device's curves in such a way as to form a beautiful waterfall of smoke, much like the one I saw at the village old woman's house.
Needless to say, I was utterly taken aback by this supernatural encounter. For several minutes, I couldn't hold back the tears of joy that poured from my eyes. I now understood the significance of everything that had happened to me up to that point of the journey.
There was no turning back when I grabbed hold of the clay waterfall. I bought the first batch from Kai Akira and named the waterfall "Spirual" in honor of the inner growth it inspired in me. I took back some samples from Japan and gave them to my peers and friends.
I wanted everything about the manufacturing process to reflect what I saw and felt from the local old woman. I was well aware that many companies would try to learn my "waterfall secret" and copy the traditional essential oils that each cone contains so that they could mass-produce them for the public.
Before I could figure out what was going on, I got flooded with orders from women who wanted to restock on cones or give a waterfall to a friend or family member whose health they cared about.
I was curious as to how something that appears to be nothing more than home décor item could have such a radical effect on menopausal symptoms.
What I found after a quick online search has even surprised me (to say the least).
While Western women spend their days and nights agonizing about their fluctuating hormone levels, recent studies show that Japanese women (not surprisingly) have a far easier transition entering this new phase and report way less symptoms all through menopause.
According to Dr. Margaret Locke's study for the Journal of the American Psychosomatic Association, "a drop in estrogen levels is only one factor among many others" she says, when comparing American and Japanese women between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopause is a well-known phenomenon in Western women, and this study confirms that among Japanese women- there is a much fewer number of illnesses that are gained "surprisingly" around menopause (such as cancer and other diseases).
This data is based on a decade of research on menopause and aging among Japanese women!
Interestingly, I also discovered recent tests proving that using inhalation of essential oils (particularly lavender oil) as part of regular sleep hygiene routines for women going through menopause significantly reduced the number of symptoms.
One hundred menopausal women who regularly complained of increasing tiredness, intense heat waves, and depression were assessed in an unusual study.
For 12 weeks, half of the ladies inhaled essential oil for 20 minutes twice a day, whereas the other half did not. Lavender essential oil (from a plant with documented medical qualities) was breathed by one group, while sunflower oil (not essential oil) was inhaled by the other.
The first group of women got up early every day, slept deeply and continuously, reported feeling happier and more energetic throughout the day, and even did more physical activity than the second group.
The study also made it clear that there is a direct link between menopausal symptoms and mental stress (anxiety), and that a simple method like inhaling essential oil (especially from the medical lavender plant) is a non-invasive, safe, and very effective way for menopausal women to help treat their symptoms which comes with many advantages over other methods. This method is highly recommended for all women of this age to use every day to help avoid, treat, and reduce anxiety, which is known to be the main cause of all menopausal symptoms.
I also didn't know that breathing lavender essential oil can help with deep depression, melancholy, and physical pain. In fact, a blind clinical trial that looked at the effect of lavender on anxiety in people with dementia showed that those who were treated with this oil through aromatherapy (aka inhalation) had a big drop in their anxiety.
In another randomized, blinded study, the effect of lavender on insomnia was studied. People with sleep problems, which are common during menopause, got a lot better after taking lavender pills.
Wow! When I found all of those studies, I was shocked. It makes sense that Ogimi women have been passing down this way of life for so many years.
The aromatherapy cones sold by Spirual contain only exceptional, high-quality essential oils and are completely natural.
They are risk-free to use and have a soothing aroma, but their true value lies in the simple fact that they have been shown to be extremely beneficial, especially for women going through menopause.
Any woman can finally experience the wonders of Japanese awe whenever she likes, thanks to the waterfall effect generated by the fusion of the one-of-a-kind porcelain and the original spiral cones.
The small village of Ogimi on the island of Okinawa in Japan is one of only five places in the world that have been officially named a "Blue Zone." People in the Blue Zone live the oldest, healthiest, and disease-free lives in the world, and they always hit 100 years old on their own, without any help from doctors.
I looked around the Internet and found that, according to global health statistics, Japan has had the longest life expectancy for the past 20 years in a row, at 84 years, which is 10 years longer than most other countries. This means that the Japanese are the people who live the longest in the world, so it's a good idea to listen to them.
In the end, my trip to Japan showed me the power of aromatherapy, the old knowledge of traditional Japanese women, and how science studies back up what they say.
The Spirual helped me not only get through menopause and keep my sanity but also turn it into my strength and celebrate "new and improved" me.
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm embracing menopause and working with it instead of fighting it.
My heart is full of optimism because not only have I found an amazing way to deal with this new chapter in my life, but it also gives me the power to empower other women and helps us all support each other during this time of change. It's time to break the cycle of silence and talk about menopause from a different point of view, not just from the scary doctor's office.
Here is a list of some of Spirual's key benefits:
✅ 100% natural, no extra substances
✅ Great price & easy to use
✅ Improves menopause symptoms
✅ Fights Anxiety and depression
✅ Therapy that includes meditation
✅ Contains aromatherapy essential oils
✅ Helps you get a good night's sleep
✅ Boosts your body with energy
I am so confident in the efficacy of this product that I will take on all the risk for you and offer it to you at rock-bottom price. I know that every woman who tries this product just once will become wildly hooked. As a result, I am offering a one-time 50% discount on my spiritual to everyone who clicks on THIS article's link.
Basically, you have nothing to lose here, and you're not taking any risks, because the spirual is going to take you by storm, and through it, you'll discover a new world of self-love for you and your body in this hard time. But if you try the product and it doesn't live up to your hopes, I'll give you a full refund (30 days from the date of purchase) No questions asked.
orders for the spirual are piling up by the hour (a lot of social media buzz) and my manufacturer can't keep up. I want to keep the product's quality excellent and under my control, so I won't be able to offer this price for too long. I hope you understand…
If you click this button to buy and the price doesn't work or the product isn't available, that means we're out of stock. This page will probably be taken down quickly because we can't keep up with the sales (this has already happened).
Never put off taking care of yourself as a woman until tomorrow or later, okay? You need to be there for yourself and your body during this aging process. you should accept all the support you can get. Only you can pull yourself out of this tight spot.
If you really want to give yourself permission to go through this time on the best side, you don't need to put your life on hold, quit your work, or travel to Japan. If you've landed on this page and you read my story, it is not a coincidence, this is your true call to action. If you follow THIS link and the spirual is still available, this is your sign to stop letting age define you and start voting for the eternal you, the woman who isn’t limited by age or a doctor's diagnosis.
For me, the spirual was the key that unlocked the door to self-realization and awakening: who knows what it will do for you.
You have nothing to lose here. If you are not satisfied, your money will be refunded, it really is that simple. No one will ask you questions.
This is not a luxury; it's your life that's at stake, and there is a simple, accessible fix that you owe to yourself to take advantage of right now.
Check stock availability HERE